What was going on in 2001?
‘The Brussels Hell Hole‘ is a novel entirely based on newspaper clippings from 1989 up to 2020. Starting with the break-up of Yugoslavia and the divisional war that stretched over the entire decade we follow a shady American military in a covert operation preparing the US logistics for the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. A war in the making reveals how an accidental misunderstanding led to the unraveling and the collapse of a hundreds of millions of dollars project.
Between 1994 and 2000 for more than 5 years U.S. Lt. Colonel Anthony Marsden was the kingpin of a gigantic project for the roll-out of high-tech material and the destructive testing in war situations. His headquarters was a nondescript house in a small Limburg town not 5 minutes from the forward NATO base of Zutendael. On a daily schedule international delivery companies brought poxes, packages, and lorry loads of high-tech material to his ‘lab’, the lab of Lt. Col. Marsden. He would fly on and off to Bosnia and other former Yugoslav countries to test the high-tech material. He would then write-up test reports and send them to the manufacturers. His reports were highly praised and often the companies made changes based on his analysis and suggestions.

The labs in Belgium were never uncovered, but one of the warehouses where the material was stocked was emptied by officials researching the possible bankruptcy of two companies. Computers, Satellite tracers, digital cameras, printers, scanners, gigantic plasma screens, mobile offices, video and special effects software to the tune of over one hundred million dollars were stocked at different Shureguard warehouses. The security video of one of these warehouses showed a team hurriedly emptying the containers and loading the items on white anonymous trucks.
In France, he was known under the alias of Dr. Reed. He was CEO of two large agencies specializing in high-end video and publicity campaigns for major companies such as French state-owned car producers. The offices were in a lavish Parisian neighborhood. The production companies won several Lion d’or awards at the Cannes MIPCOM, the festival preceding the famous film festival. The companies held booths next to those of George Lucas. These were complete video and special effects suites and were the largest at the venue, at least twice as large as those held by LucasFilm.
As a result of the bankruptcy case and the possession and theft of material belonging to these companies, an Interpol red notice was out. He probably held companies in Germany and The Netherlands since his house was less than 250 meters from the Dutch/German border. During one such border-crossing, he was arrested in what was called a ‘routine check’. Everybody knows that such routine checks don’t exist in the BENELUX and EEC zone. In any case, I have crossed these borders many times and have never encountered any checkpoint. During the arrest, he carried 50 passports all with different aliases.
The whole NATO intervention and Bosnian war situation created a volatile environment with genocidal crimes, wanton murders, criminal gangs, illegal arms traders, drugs, and a coming and going of shady figures. The Brussels Hell Hole makes the connections between these undercover NATO actions, Islamist extremists, Bosnian jihadis, the Belgian underground gangster world, and a small minded population that goes about its daily business providing a perfect cover for the preparations for World War III.